Friday, December 2, 2011

New Line Looking To Shake Things Up With San Andreas 3-D

EXCLUSIVE: While Hollywood’s preoccupation this week has been high winds, New Line Cinema is preparing for an earthquake. I’m told the studio is out to directors with San Andreas 3-D, a big-budget film hatched by scribes Jeremy Passmore & Andre Fabrizio as a pitch. They’ve written the script and Allan Loeb has done a polish for a north-of-$100 million film that’s ready to go. Beau Flynn is producing. It’s a full-scale disaster picture revolving around a massive earthquake and its devastating effect on California. This is something that hasn’t really been done since the 1974 film Earthquake, which starred Charlton Heston and Ava Gardner. That film boasted of the advantages of “Sensurround” to create a lifelike feel, but the prospect of a 3D rendering holds promise. Passmore & Fabrizio are repped by Paradigm and Aperture Entertainment and Loeb by CAA. Passmore & Fabrizio are rewriting Hellified and Passmore scripted the Red Dawn remake.

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