Saturday, October 15, 2011

Talkback: Which Twilight Zone Episode Should Become a Feature Film?

Congrats to Matt Reeves, the Cloverfield director who just landed the upcoming Twilight Zone movie. Hopefully it’ll be less of an apocalyptic disaster than the 1983 movie, but I’m already feeling optimistic: Reeves is also handling the Frankenstein-rejiggering His Dark Materials, which means he has a strong grasp on the eerie and far-out. Since we know the new Twilight Zone will not be a series of episodes like the first movie, I say we suggest possible episodes of the real series for writer Jason Rothenberg to adapt. What’s your favorite? For me, it’s all about “The Jeopardy Room,” the espionage-laden reversal of Rear Window. Instead of peering inside an apartment to catch a killer, the killers are outside the residence looking in. Since it’s basically been established that the new Twilight Zone will feature paranormal elements, I’m making a last-minute plea for a juicy, semi-realistic, KGB spy caper. I also happen to be obsessed with young Martin Landau, who brought such unsettling (and homoerotic!) power to North by Northwest. What’s your pick? (By the way, we still need to settle the matter of casting Rod Serling.) Matt Reeves is Warner Bros. Pick for ‘Twilight Zone’ Movie [Deadline]

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